1329731469376 1329731469376

Ice Cream Cone Shaped Sugar Cookies Delivered

One Dozen (12) Cookies
Apr 26, 2025

Product Description

Our Ice Cream Cone Shaped Sugar Cookies Delivered are so much fun to look at but even more enjoyable to eat. All of sugar cookies are made from scratch using only basic ingredients such as flour and sugar. We don’t even make the dough until after you place your order so you don’t have to worry about us using old dough that’s dried out and cracks. After we cut out and bake the cookies we hand paint each cookie, we love using a few different colors and types of sprinkles for an awesome spread of cookies.

These are great for virtually any occasion no matter what time of year it is. We’ve received requests for these for birthday parties, weddings, BBQ’s and a whole bunch of other corporate and family events. If you need a bulk order of these please feel free to send us an email or give us a call, we would love to work with you and we also offer discounts for large orders.

Product Details

  • Cookies Included: 12 (one dozen)
  • Size of Each Cookie: 3.25" x 2.25"
  • Weight of Cookies (approximately): 1 pound (16 oz.)
  • Packaging: To maintain freshness each cookie is individually wrapped and then set inside of a bakery box.
  • Cold Packing: Each cold shield fits about 2 dozen cookies.
Item #: 1329731469376

Product Reviews

Ice Cream Cone Shaped Sugar Cookies Delivered has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.